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Transcription of Ellen Friedman’s interview with Ofelia

​Ellen: Ophelia, thank you for taking the time to tell your story of how Holoenergetic® Forgiveness has affected you. So, is it okay if we use your first name, Ophelia?

Ophelia: Yes, of course. Ofelia is my name yes.

Ellen: And why don’t you tell us your age.

Ophelia: Today I am 81 years old, and to think that I went back to when I was 4 or 5 years old of an experience I had at that time. Incredible as it seems that I was carrying that load for so many years. I had a wonderful experience and session with Ellen that has helped me go through forgiveness session of which I forgave a daughter-in-law that we had problems, and with this session I was able to release all my tension, to release all the problems I had mentally and all of a sudden feel so good about releasing it. Thanks to Ellen, with her help, I accomplished so much by forgiving this young lady and blessing her, having her go her way and I go my way and I bless her and I know that she is a happy woman today. With this I came forward with another thing in my mind that I had been carrying for a long time, and that was my fear, my fear of getting lost. I was afraid of moving or driving too far away for fear I wouldn’t find my way home, and all of this, as Ellen helped me to realize, came into my life when I was 4 or 5 years old that I had an experience that I was this little girl and my mother took to a carnival and a fair and it was a wonderful place full of lights and clowns and games. It was beautiful and I wanted to ride the carousel and my mother sure she let me. She let me go to the horse and pick me up and put me there and we were only about a block away from my father’s business. I knew where we were, but somehow it was dark and I had a marvelous time riding the carousel, and it was good, and then the music stopped, the carousel stopped, and I got off on the opposite side of where my mother was. As I walked out, I was lost. It was dark. There were people going back and forth. Where was my mother? Where was I? I started crying and I was afraid I was so fearful because I couldn’t find my mother and all of a sudden she came and everything was alright. But from that day on I’ve always had that fear, and I didn’t realize it, but as I got older I realize how strong that fear was that I carried all these years. I didn’t want to go far away from home. I wanted to go always on the streets that I knew. I never wanted to attempt seeing new streets or going to new areas for fear I couldn’t find my way back. Through the help of Ellen ….

Ellen: Doing a forgiveness session?

Ophelia: … doing a forgiveness session, right, everything …..

Ellen: In that session, did you forgive yourself?

Ophelia: Yes I did. I forgave myself and I realized and I saw that there was nothing to be afraid of. I was never alone and I have never been alone. A great power stands to help me at all times, a divine power, angels help me. I know that I’m never alone and through this session my heart and my mind was open and I saw that I never needed to be afraid of anything, never need to be afraid of the darkness, never need to be afraid of being lost and now after this session – this happened a few months ago – now I can go anywhere I want in the city, go to different places, go to different streets, and not be afraid at all! I go now past my limits happily knowing that I will find my way back and all of this I’m thankful to the power above us, a Supreme Being, and to Ellen for her having helped me conquer this fear. Thank you so much, Ellen.

​Ellen: That’s a beautiful story, Ophelia.

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